Misty River Blog - By Linda Miller

How to know if it’s long term or just lust?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How to know if it’s long term or just lust?

People want that indescribable chemistry that causes you to look at someone and feel your heart skip a beat. Having shared interests, goals and values is important, but finding that attraction that makes you keep trying even when everything else is going wrong, is extremely important.

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I always seem to attract the bad boy, why can’t I find the nice guy?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

I always seem to attract the bad boy, why can’t I find the nice guy?

Part of what a good matchmaker does is not only finding you a good partner, but also coaching you to pick the right one.

Woman will sit across from me and proudly say “I like a bad boy”. Then they proceed to tell me about the various men who have “done them wrong”. Ask yourself, “do I want my life to read like a bad country song”.

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Actions that show he/she loves you
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Actions that show he/she loves you

When you’re dating it is often hard to tell if the object of your affection is in fact head over heels in love with you. You want to make sure you are on the same page when it comes to these feelings.

Here are a couple signs that can help you determine if they are falling or have already fallen in love.

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How do I fight first date nerves?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How do I fight first date nerves?

Being a matchmaker and a relationship coach, I can’t even begin to tell you how often I am asked this very question. Usually, this line of questioning will come from someone who recently signed up for our services but unfortunately hasn’t been on a first date in years.

More often than not, my response is, “think of it as a conversation about a subject you know a lot about… yourself”.

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Signs your significant other might be cheating
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Signs your significant other might be cheating

Over the years as a matchmaker and relationship coach I have heard stories that would make your hair curl.

Cheating comes in many forms and unfortunately, internet dating has provided a forum for people to behave badly. Hiring a matchmaker is different. As a professional matchmaker I take care of the background work required for all potential matches including; are they who they say they are, do they live where they say they live. This in-depth check is a deterrent for many of the people who might be looking for an extramarital affair.

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What to do if your significant other loves you, but doesn’t want to marry you?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What to do if your significant other loves you, but doesn’t want to marry you?

This is a very tricky question that as a professional matchmaker and relationship coach I get asked on the regular basis. What saddens me the most is when a client has spent years in a relationship, only to find out the other person had no intention of making a long-term commitment.

Most people that come to me to be matched with a life partner are looking for marriage.

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Dating after the death of a spouse
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Dating after the death of a spouse

As a matchmaker who has been working with widowed people for 25 years I often hear the same reasons people give for not wanting to meet someone new

“My kids would be horrified!”

Although a valid reason, it should not be the reason you are withholding yourself from meeting someone new. Do you really want to spend the next 20-30 years on your own? Even though your kids are a very important part of your life, they should not consult or force the direction of your love life. Do you want to be dependant on them for your social activities? Once they get used to the idea (it may take a while, but I promise they will), they will see how much happier you are with a new “partner in crime”.

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When is it time to start travelling with a new partner?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

When is it time to start travelling with a new partner?

When I meet new people in the course of running my matchmaking business, they often site travelling alone as a reason for joining and looking for a new partner. These days, just the price of the single supplement can be daunting. It’s lovely to see new things but if you don’t have someone to share the experience with it’s definitely not the same.

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No Excuse for Being Alone
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

No Excuse for Being Alone

Let’s face it, nobody works 24/7. Having work life balance is integral part of having a happy productive life. Sure, you may love what you do but does it love you back? Is it going to be there for you to grow old with? Can work really be your everything? Trust me when I tell you, they don’t chisel “he was a loyal employee” on your gravestone. It would be better to have “loving husband, father” as something you are remembered for, not “he worked long hours, slept at the office and built an empire, but had no one to leave it to…”

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Are you in a one-sided relationship?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Are you in a one-sided relationship?

We have all been in relationships that seem like we’re doing all the work. On the other hand Sometimes you have more emotional energy to commit to a relationship than your partner does on a temporary basis.

What about when you’re just dating?

Are you making all the calls? Planning all the dates that are more often than not cancelled? Making all the thoughtful romantic gestures only to have them not appreciated?

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Am I too old for Love?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Am I too old for Love?

I often get sheepish calls from people in their 70’s and 80’s who lead with a self-deprecating “oh, I’m probably way too old for your matchmaking service.”

I can tell you age has no bearing on finding a love relationship. Retirees are one of our very biggest age groups. Love feels the same at any age. People often tell me they can’t believe that they feel like they are 18. They describe butterflies in their stomach and instant chemistry.

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Help, I’m stuck in the friend zone!
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Help, I’m stuck in the friend zone!

I hear so many people say when they meet me for a consultation that they have someone they are interested in but just can’t seem to turn it into a romantic relationship.

As a matchmaker it makes me sad to see people waste months and even years waiting for a romance to materialize. The other really difficult part about watching someone waste time is that these “ possible pairings” will make you unavailable for emotional intimacy with someone new.

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Why can't I make it past the third date?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Why can't I make it past the third date?

As a professional matchmaker this is a question I have 1000’s of times in the last 25 years.

What can make a relationship that looked so promising end so abruptly?

I know I’ve blogged about this on many occasions, but I’ll say it again. Too much, too soon is the death knell on many a relationship.

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Why single people hate being alone on the holidays
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Why single people hate being alone on the holidays

Sitting at the kids table again? Yup even though your not five, married people assume you don’t mind being a supervisor for their badly behaved kids at the little table in the kitchen while they get quietly paved in the dining room on the turkey wine. After all shouldn’t you be grateful being the old maid you are to have contact with their little darlings?

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What to do if they pull away?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What to do if they pull away?

When you’re in a relationship it can be hard to know what to do when you all of sudden get radio silence.

Things have been going great and then all of a sudden out of the blue…nothing.

The natural response is to freak out and call up and demand to know what’s going on. Ask yourself, has this worked for you in the past?

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Why are matchmaking services so expensive?
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Why are matchmaking services so expensive?

A hesitation I get all the time from clients is: “ I’m not sure I can pay that kind of money to meet someone”. For most people our membership is the cost of a trip south, a couple of month’s mortgage payments, or a new computer. Not insurmountable.


Ask yourself: “What is the emotional cost for me spending the next twenty or thirty years alone?, Forgoing having children?, Retiring alone? or Traveling with the added expense of the single supplement?”

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What single parents should know about dating and relationships
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What single parents should know about dating and relationships

Dating is never easy until you meet someone you have that unbelievable chemistry with. Adding children to the mix is that much harder.

If you have children you always have to be aware that you are dating for more than just you. Sure we’re not looking to replace a parent but ultimately if everything works out that person will have have an effect on who your children become and how happy they will be during their childhood.

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What seniors need to know about dating
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What seniors need to know about dating

It can be confusing for people who haven’t dated in 30 or 40 years. Maybe your first love was the person you married 30 years ago. You went on to have a family, work hard and save for your retirement. Then the unimaginable happens.

How does one start over when you haven’t gone on a date in 40 years? It’s simple really. Chemistry and magic still matters. Practicality has to come into the equation as well.

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