Actions that show he/she loves you

When you’re dating it is often hard to tell if the object of your affection is in fact head over heels in love with you.  You want to make sure you are on the same page when it comes to these feelings.

Here are a couple signs that can help you determine if they are falling or have already fallen in love.

  • They have already introduced you or want to introduce you to their family.

  • They make sure you are included in different social activities with their friends.

  • They check to make sure you have arrived home safe and sound.

  • They remember significant relationship milestones.  For example, the day you met or specific details about your first kiss.

  • They do simple everyday thoughtful things to make your life easier.  They wash your car, carry in your groceries, take a heavy package out of your hands when you’re walking.

  • They make plans for the future that include you.  This can include planning a weekend away to discussing how many children they would like to have.

Remember, relationships that aren’t moving forward and evolving will eventually wither and die. Not only should your partner be including you in their life but you need to make sure they feel like an invaluable irreplaceable part of your world.


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