I always seem to attract the bad boy, why can’t I find the nice guy?

Part of what a good matchmaker does is not only finding you a good partner, but also coaching you to pick the right one.

Woman will sit across from me and proudly say “I like a bad boy”. Then they proceed to tell me about the various men who have “done them wrong”. Ask yourself, “do I want my life to read like a bad country song”.

Sometimes being aware of your past is all it takes. Was your dad a bad boy? How did that work for your Mom? Arming yourself with knowledge of your psyche and what is causing you to make these choices is a great tool to equip yourself with for the upcoming “battle”. If necessary, having a good therapist can help. I recommend Cognitive Behavioural therapy to people if I feel their process can be helped by breaking old patterns.

Making a list can help as well. What are the qualities I want in a partner that my previous partners didn’t have? It is possible to find a partner that has some “good” bad boy qualities but who is still capable of being an ideal life partner.

Forget about who you attract. Being pro-active about who you are searching for is way more important than leaving it up to chance and the people who may come randomly knocking on your door. Remember, those people will probably fall into the “bad relationship” category that you are trying to move past.

Finding a matchmaker, you trust and you feel comfortable talking to is incredibly important. They will be able to coach you through this process to make sure you end up with someone deserving of your love.


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