Misty River Blog - By Linda Miller

What to do if they pull away?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What to do if they pull away?

When you’re in a relationship it can be hard to know what to do when you all of sudden get radio silence.

Things have been going great and then all of a sudden out of the blue…nothing.

The natural response is to freak out and call up and demand to know what’s going on. Ask yourself, has this worked for you in the past?

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Why are matchmaking services so expensive?
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Why are matchmaking services so expensive?

A hesitation I get all the time from clients is: “ I’m not sure I can pay that kind of money to meet someone”. For most people our membership is the cost of a trip south, a couple of month’s mortgage payments, or a new computer. Not insurmountable.


Ask yourself: “What is the emotional cost for me spending the next twenty or thirty years alone?, Forgoing having children?, Retiring alone? or Traveling with the added expense of the single supplement?”

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What single parents should know about dating and relationships
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What single parents should know about dating and relationships

Dating is never easy until you meet someone you have that unbelievable chemistry with. Adding children to the mix is that much harder.

If you have children you always have to be aware that you are dating for more than just you. Sure we’re not looking to replace a parent but ultimately if everything works out that person will have have an effect on who your children become and how happy they will be during their childhood.

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What seniors need to know about dating
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What seniors need to know about dating

It can be confusing for people who haven’t dated in 30 or 40 years. Maybe your first love was the person you married 30 years ago. You went on to have a family, work hard and save for your retirement. Then the unimaginable happens.

How does one start over when you haven’t gone on a date in 40 years? It’s simple really. Chemistry and magic still matters. Practicality has to come into the equation as well.

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What should you talk about on the first date?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What should you talk about on the first date?

As a professional matchmaker I sometimes have clients who never seem to get a second date. One way I can help them is to role play the conversation that goes on during the date. What do they ask? What are they asked and how do they respond?

One of the biggest relationship enders is the monologue. You know… we’ve all had that date. The person that drones on and on about themselves. Sometimes this can be a function of nerves and can be halted by interrupting politely and asking” did you want to know anything about me?”

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What makes a strong relationship?
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What makes a strong relationship?

We always hear that strong relationships are based on trust, communication, and honesty. These three things are undeniable fundamentals, but there are many other things that can be found in all successful relationships. After meeting with a matchmaker at Misty River Introductions and finding someone who is compatible with your personality and interests, you may look ahead to finding ways to strengthen your bond with your match. Keep the following key components in mind while building towards a strong, loving bond:

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What can turn off men on a date?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

What can turn off men on a date?

If you live in Toronto or Montreal there is a pretty good chance you are from somewhere else. Dating can be confusing in the big city. Sometimes it’s quite different from your home town where you dated your best friends first cousin.

Having years of experience as a matchmaker, I keep telling my female clients: “When it comes to dating, too much enthusiasm can be the death knell”. It’s OK to be enthusiastic, just not about him. Men say they get criticized for dating young women. What they tell me is that young women are more grateful and enthusiastic. When they suggest the Keg for dinner it’s greeted with happiness. Women their own age wrinkle their nose and launch into a diatribe about how the Keg is so pedestrian and predictable.

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The first call to first date
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The first call to first date

We’ve all had the “date from you-know-where” and heard the horror stories, right?

BUT what happens when you finally meet that special someone who makes your heart pound and your knees weak? What can you do to increase your chances of finding love and happiness and ensure he or she feels the same?

Over the years, I’ve literally seen it all. I’ve counseled people as a professional matchmaker for over 17 years, so let me tell you what works…and what doesn’t! Ready?

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The cost of love - Why is matchmaking so expensive?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

The cost of love - Why is matchmaking so expensive?

“Professional matchmaking costs how much?”

This is literally the number one question I hear from clients when they first contact us to help them find their “one and only.” And that’s perfectly ok! The majority of singles are extremely hesitant when it comes to spending money to meet someone, but the reality is the cost of our membership isn’t as high as they think it is and it’s not “spending”…

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Should you text and date?
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Should you text and date?

As a professional matchmaker I often hear sad stories about texting. Everything was going so well! Both people called into our office and were thrilled with the sound of their match. They thought the picture was great and very attractive. It all should have been perfect. And then the angry call. “Take that guy off my list.”

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Is it time to step ouf of your dating comfort zone?
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Is it time to step ouf of your dating comfort zone?

Where do you usually go on a date? Movies? Dinner?

Why don’t you try planning a date that will make you stand out and seem special.

Remember on the first season on “the Bachelor” When the NFL guy wrote a poem to Trisha Ren? All the other guys mocked him and make fun of him doing that, but she was touched and felt special. Guess who she married.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How to put your fears aside when dating

I meet a lot of people in the course of my matchmaking that as very nervous and find the prospect of date overwhelming. Sometimes people worry that the other person will notice that their hands are shaking or that their neck and face is flushing.

I had a therapist that told me the best way to deal with dating anxiety is to imagine the worst thing that could happen. He/she could decide they don’t like you,that they think you’re boring/stupid/ugly. OK, harsh but unlikely. You are on a date with them so presumably there was something that intrigued them.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How to dress for a first date


A first date can be nerve-wracking enough as it is. Being prepared and feeling comfortable can eliminate a lot of the stress that goes into this. Trying your outfit on the day before and making sure that each part of your outfit is ready (dry cleaned, ironed) will help you feel at ease.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How to be yourself without sending the wrong signals

When I’m giving dating and relationship advice I would never tell someone to pretend to be someone else.

That being said there are some subjects it’s best to avoid. Sex, religion and politics are always taboo on a first date. If you’re working with a good matchmaker they should be able to match you with people who have values that align with yours in these regards.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How reasonable are your expectations about matchmaking

Having been a matchmaker for 21 plus years I think I have seen just about everything.


I remember early in my career sitting down with a fairly attractive 40 year old woman who had prepared a list for our meeting. “Great” I thought. I love people who come to the interview prepared. Here’s where it got a little weird.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How do you know when you're in love

As a professional matchmaker, I’m always surprised when people reject someone based on chemistry after one short date. We’ve often had people be fairly unimpressed and then after a second date come back and say they think they might have found the one. Think about it. It’s similar to when you meet someone at work and barely notice them but after a month or two of knowing them you have a total crush. Dating can be similar.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How do you recover from a breakup with a work colleague?

Having been and matchmaker and heard every story it’s possible to hear about dating and relationship there is one I hear way too many times. The sad case of someone who can’t get over the ex. This person in every story was bad for them and often bad to them, and yet they’ve wasted years on them and continue to do so!

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