Misty River Introductions - Client Dating Guidelines

Matchmakers usually have a set of rules we would like you to follow. These are for your benefit.

One of the first contacts you will have with a match is over the phone. It's important that you make the best impression possible. Some tips from our matchmakers always help!

Advice for your first conversation:

Do your best to go into a date with zero expectations. Don’t spend hours on the phone or the internet imagining you know someone when that can’t possibly be true until you actually meet them face-to-face. I always say, 15 minutes on the phone and if you like their voice and what they’ve said, plan the date!

1) No texting in the beginning of the relationship. A lot of information can be misconstrued and it is more of a hook up scenario. You need to be speaking on the telephone so you can hear their tone of voice. This may make or break you meeting with them because the tone of voice can set whether or not you feel compatible.

2) Make sure you've read their profile ahead of the call so you have talking points. Maybe they've travelled to Thailand, maybe they like tennis, maybe they have a cottage. See if you can get them talking about things they enjoy.

3) Make sure you are always ready to discuss things about the person you are on the date with. If you’re really nervous and stuck for words, remember, people love to talk about themselves and what interests them. Make it easy on yourself, have a few topics you know they are interested in to help guide the conversation. A good example is “so, I hear you love to scuba dive, where do you go for that”. This will help start a conversation and give you an opportunity to put together your next question or comment.  Make sure you don't monopolize the conversation. Give and take is the key.

4) Less interrogation and more pleasant conversation. Remember, no sex, religion or politics in the early stages of getting to know someone.

5) Meet in a public place, arrange your own transportation, and don’t have people over until you get to know them. These rules are especially important for you to follow because they are for your safety.

6) Pick a place within your comfort zone that gives you the opportunity to have a private conversation. A restaurant that offers booths, isn’t too busy or noisy and has a relaxed atmosphere is always a good choice. Do some research so you can suggest a couple of places that would work when you are on the phone the first time.

7) No conversations about ex's or late spouses or how long you have been with the service. There will be plenty of time later on to learn your history but never in the first number of dates. The focus should be on developing a future relationship between you both.

8) Present yourself in the best manner possible for your first date. Use the “dress for success” mindset. It can make or break whether or not your date will have the desire to meet with you again.

The first date is going to be a bit hair-raising but it’s well worth it if it turns out to be the love of your life.  


Be warm and welcoming.

Be fully present, not distracted by devices.

Don't talk rapidly or too much.

Don't look around the room.

Don't fuss with yourself.

Don't excuse your behaviour or looks.

Don't ask too many personal questions.

Don't complain about prior relationships.

And most importantly, have fun and be fun.