Finding time to date when you are living life

The prospect of investing our already limited time into finding someone compatible can feel overwhelming and frankly can be exhausting at times. The good news is: it doesn’t have to be. The first step is to stop approaching the search the same way you would tackle a big project.


Yes, finding someone worth your time is an investment! Consistently make an effort to accept invitations from friends even when you have laundry to do or a to-do list.  This will give you more chances to meet someone special. Even if you don’t immediately meet someone, blowing off steam with friends will help you be more relaxed and balanced which is a quality that is much more attractive.


Yes, a colleague finding your picture on a dating site might cause a bit of ribbing. Keeping your profile professional and the information you share (relatively!) accurate without giving away too much personal information. If someone happens to see your profile, it means they were on the site looking themselves: pot meet kettle! If you have no interest in that then consider working with a matchmaking service where your  confidentiality is protected.  Misty River Introductions will only leave a contact name and number and will not mention the nature of the call when getting in touch with you allowing for you to keep some anonymity.


A good rule of thumb if you decide to try dating is to have a quick 15-minute phone conversation before you meet anyone in person and always meet in a public place the first few times. If there’s the slightest off-vibe from someone on the phone, a meeting in person is not going to help. Always listen to your gut.  This is where working with a matchmaker is very beneficial.  They have been through these first time situations dozens of times and can actually help coach you through the whole process to make sure your safety is a priority.


Matchmaking is a very valid approach based on traditional dating methods. Working directly with an experienced matchmaker who takes the time to get to know you and your future date works almost like a buffer – weeding out the undesirables for you – and gets you straight to finding someone who you can build that great relationship with. Matchmaking is also a great alternative if you’re not comfortable feeling like you’re marketing yourself online, in personal ads or outings with friends.

No matter how you decide to go about finding someone special, there will be others who decide to judge your decisions. No matter what you do there will always be critics, to stay on course and follow it through takes courage.  Be yourself and maintain your confidence in what you want in a relationship and you’ll be one step closer to that relationship you’ve always wanted.


"I would never pay to find a relationship"


A True Love Story - Franz and Marsha