Dating during COVID

One of the most often asked questions these days when someone new calls us at Misty River Introductions is “how are you handling dating during COVID?”

The irony is that dating services are up by some estimates 300%!

At Misty River instead of our usual face to face consultations we are now conducting interviews over the phone, Skype, Zoom or FaceTime. Due to the high volume of people joining, it would be irresponsible of me to go from person to person.

Our clients, however, can do whatever makes them feel most comfortable.  This can be anything from meeting at a patio, in a park, going for a walk or via Zoom/talking on the phone.  By utilizing zoom/a phone call before meeting, they are able to figure out how much they have in common and if there is an interest in moving forward.

I had matched one young man with a woman in early March.  When they talked, he explained that he had a family gathering that weekend and would call her afterward to setup a date.  The next week ended up being the middle of March and we all know how that went.  Needless to say, they spent several months talking on the phone and Zoom! They would share a recipe, set up their laptops on their respective islands, buy the same bottle of wine and “cook together”.  He phoned me in June and said he was incredibly nervous because they were planning their first face to face meeting. He said he was in love and felt like he could tell her anything and he was terrified that he wouldn’t feel the same once they met in person.

Luckily, his worry was for nothing…they are still together and very happy!

One thing I’ve learned as a professional matchmaker is how determined we are to find love and human interaction and when necessary what an adaptable group we are! As matchmakers and dating coaches we’re here to help you through the dating process during these uncertain times.




Dating with Children