Misty River Blog - By Linda Miller

How to avoid online dating scams.
Advice from a Matchmaker Linda Miller Advice from a Matchmaker Linda Miller

How to avoid online dating scams.

People will tell me all sorts of horror stories about online dating services. If you are going to use an online dating service, be aware that you are being matched by an algorithm and anyone can make a profile and say whatever they want about themselves, or the person they are pretending to be. Few sites offer any means of protection against fake accounts, ‘cat-fishing’ or scams. Online, people can be whoever they want to be!

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A True Love Story - Delicia and Paul
True Love Stories Linda Miller True Love Stories Linda Miller

A True Love Story - Delicia and Paul

I had the pleasure of meeting Delicia, and I was immediately struck by her incredible personality and charm. She had a multitude of questions for me, starting with whether we specialized in matching individuals who were black or mixed race. She wanted to ensure that we could provide her with high-quality matches who met her specific criteria.

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A True Love Story - Steven and Allison
True Love Stories Linda Miller True Love Stories Linda Miller

A True Love Story - Steven and Allison

During my interview with Steven, it quickly became evident that he was an avid lover of the outdoors. Residing in Barrie, north of Toronto, he had a deep affinity for nature and participated in various outdoor sports and activities. He expressed frustration about his previous experiences with online dating, where he encountered individuals who had little interest in venturing away from the city streets.

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A True Love Story - Theresa and Glen
True Love Stories Linda Miller True Love Stories Linda Miller

A True Love Story - Theresa and Glen

I had the pleasure of meeting Theresa nearly two decades ago when she became a member of our service. I still remember our first encounter vividly, as she brought me a thoughtful gift of Mohair socks. Theresa had built a successful business around crafting and selling these delightful socks. She owned a farm located south of the city, where she raised Mohair goats and personally sheared their wool.

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A True Love Story - Lianne and Jim
True Love Stories Linda Miller True Love Stories Linda Miller

A True Love Story - Lianne and Jim

Lianne and Jim hold a special place among my favorite couples. Lianne had been a client of ours years ago and had found a happy match. However, after a twenty-year relationship, it came to an end, and Lianne found herself back in the market for a life partner. Having experienced success with matchmaking in the past, she turned to Misty River Introductions for assistance in finding her perfect match.

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A True Love Story - Sophia and Bill
True Love Stories Linda Miller True Love Stories Linda Miller

A True Love Story - Sophia and Bill

Sophia and Bill are a couple I recently connected. What’s intriguing about Sophia is that she had joined Misty River Introductions around three years ago, with specific criteria in mind. She was looking for matches who were over 6 feet tall, university-educated (preferably with an advanced degree), and good-looking. Despite having several individuals who met these criteria, she didn’t find anyone she clicked with at the time.

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Love is in the eye of the Beholder
Advice from a Matchmaker Linda Miller Advice from a Matchmaker Linda Miller

Love is in the eye of the Beholder

I’ll never forget one of the most enlightening moment I had as a matchmaker.

I was meeting a gentleman by the name of Graham from Kingston. We agreed to meet at a restaurant in Portland so were both were coming about half-way. When we arrived, the restaurant was closed. Although I don’t normally do this, I had him come and sit in my car so we could do the interview. As I remember it, the weather was terrible, so sitting outside was not an option.

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A day in the Life of a Matchmaker
Stories from a Matchmaker Linda Miller Stories from a Matchmaker Linda Miller

A day in the Life of a Matchmaker

When at parties and social gatherings I tend to have a lot of people interested in what I do as a matchmaker.

Having worked as one for the last 26 years I wear a lot of hats.

My first order of business is to screen the people that come to me to make sure they have a reasonable chance of having a good outcome. We have about a 75% success rate but that drops if you take everybody as a client.

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Dating Rules and When to Break Them
Advice from a Matchmaker Linda Miller Advice from a Matchmaker Linda Miller

Dating Rules and When to Break Them

Matchmakers usually have a set of rules we would like you to follow. These are for your benefit. Meet in a public place, arrange your own transportation, and don’t have people over until you get to know them. These rules are especially important for you to follow because they are for your safety.

Now I’m going to tell you about someone who broke all the rules and found love.

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Has COVID Changed Dating for the Better?
Stories from a Matchmaker Linda Miller Stories from a Matchmaker Linda Miller

Has COVID Changed Dating for the Better?

As a matchmaker for the past 26 years, I’m very aware of current trends in the dating scene.

Like many business owners, I was worried about how the COVID lockdowns would affect my business. What I observed over the last year was not only interesting but also a welcoming phenomenon.

As people moved away from meeting in person immediately after receiving contact information for their matches, a kinder, gentler courtship ensued. Everyone had to work a little harder, spend a little more time getting to know each other and make more of an effort to court, charm and disarm.

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I want to change the type of people I’m attracted to but don’t know where to start
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

I want to change the type of people I’m attracted to but don’t know where to start

As a professional matchmaker, I am often asked “How do I change the type of person I’m attracted to?”

I always start by telling people to look back at their life. What is your family of origin like? Were you raised by an emotionally distant father? Does that make you choose men you constantly have to work at to get attention from?

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How to spot trouble in the early stages of dating
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

How to spot trouble in the early stages of dating

I recently had a lovely women join Misty River Introductions. As a professional matchmaker I always use caution when bringing up the sometimes-sensitive subject of past relationships. I feel it can really help me get a feel for the type of person someone is attracted to and the pitfalls of past choices that I might do well to avoid.

Ruth admitted that her past relationship was not good, and in hindsight she should have noticed the red flags. She said initially he was amazing, charming, good-looking and attentive.

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Dating during COVID
Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller

Dating during COVID

One of the most common questions I’ve been getting these days is, “Is it worth dating right now with everybody self-isolating and social distancing?”

Surprisingly, we are busier than ever! With everything going on, we’ve still managed to complete many happy matches.

I think it’s important to develop an emotional connection with your match when you first meet them. Obviously, there has to be chemistry, good flow of conversation and some interest on both sides. Right now, I am advising people to spend more time talking on the phone and getting to know each other.

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Uncategorised Linda Miller Uncategorised Linda Miller


During the first wave of COVID, I heard many innovative dating stories that lead to loving relationships.

One of my favourites involved Veronica who met David at a Tim Horton’s parking lot. They happened to be a couple in their late 70’s and were understandably concerned about keeping safe during this unusual time.

Veronica had said to me that even though she was cancer survivor she was keenly aware that she didn’t want to waste precious years alone. She had been happily married before losing her husband 3 years earlier and currently lived in an amazing condo in downtown Toronto.

David was an avid traveller and had a lovely waterfront home in the Burlington area.

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